
Who Are We?

We believe in marketing…but not your average marketing. This day and age, marketing needs to be driven not only by thought-leading content, but also by carefully concocted social media and content marketing campaigns. And we are not talking about simply blasting out your message and hoping that fish will just jump on the line. It’s about the lure (the content), how you present your bait (the cast), where you go fishing (the environment) and who you are trying to catch (your audience). Having the right combination of all of these items means you either come home with food to eat or simply scratching your head wondering what happened.

With well over 15 years of content creation, strategic marketing and social media campaign execution experience, HTD Strategies has fished many a lake, river, stream and pond. From oceans to puddles, we have tested many varieties of social media lures and strategies, written thought leadership content to position companies in a market segment, and been on the receiving and delivering end of a multitude of brand ambassador and influencer campaigns, product and service launches, and much more.

What Is The Recipe for Success?

Strategic Marketing
Engaging Social Media
Content that Compels
Luck, Trusting your Gut & Finding a Partner that can Help

Michael Sheehan – Principal & Founder

Michael Sheehan
Michael SheehanPrincipal & Founder
Michael is a technologist and strategist at heart having produced and managed a variety of content marketing and social media campaigns, developed full company social media presences and implementations, and written thought-leadership content. He runs, a site exploring how technology and parenting intersect.

What I’m About & What Makes Me Tick

I thrive on challenges. Not sure about the best way to launch your content strategy? I can walk you through ideas. Thinking about kicking off a campaign to announce your new product or service? Get iterative feedback from me. Already down a path with a current marketing campaign? I will strategize with you to reoptimize your campaign to increase performance.
I’m always looking for the “next big thing” whether it be a new type of technology or service, or a unique and different way to engage with a prospect or customer. Being on the cutting edge means that you can take risks and have better results. But this risk is not always something that you can take on yourself. Pinterest might be good for your consumer brand in one way, but LinkedIn might be better for your business service. I have learned these nuances through trial and error.
Listen, Listen, Listen, Strategize & Execute! All with feedback loops.
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Cloud Computing
  • Security
  • Parenting Products & Services
  • Autos & Car Tech

Partners & Companies We Work With

We can’t always do it alone. That is why we have a short list of Partners and Companies that we do business with. Relationships are core to success!

Gasworks Media LLC
Gasworks Media LLCContent & Marketing Solutions for Automotive Brands

Gasworks Media LLC provides:

  • Content
  • Marketing
  • Social media
  • Brand strategies
  • Influencer relations
  • Community management
  • A passion for all things automotive

Visit them at

Sandbox Strategies

Sandbox Strategies is a boutique firm focused on media strategy for video games and consumer technology. We build campaigns to create and sustain momentum. Sandbox Strategies provides:

  • Public Relations
  • Marketing
  • Social media
  • Events

Visit them at


What are you waiting for?

Drop us a note to see how we can help your business success using the latest in marketing, social media and content strategies!