Ready to embark on an email campaign? Do you have the proper mix and timing in place? Have you thoroughly mined your existing lead and customer database? We can help formulate and execute your marketing automation and nurture campaigns to ensure that you are driving the best click-thru rates and capturing even more leads. Landing pages also are core to your conversions so being able to optimize and do A/B testing is core to your success.
Influencer and Brand Ambassador programs are hot! Brands have discovered that customers and prospects want real voices and opinions, not just something that is being pushed out as simple marketing collateral. But doing an Influencer or Ambassador programs well takes real experience, from planning to execution to follow up. And the relationships you build with your influences needs to be nurtured even after the program is over.
We want your marketing campaign to succeed. Your success is our success. But if you don’t carefully plan out the strategy and execution of your campaign, you will not get the results you truly desire. Garbage in means garbage out – magic in will make your campaign magical! Planning all aspects of your campaign, going through what-if scenarios, tweaking and iterating as the campaign proceeds will allow you to achieve magical results.
Knowing your audience, where they hang out, what they are passionate about and what they absolutely hate, and being able to talk their vocabulary and tone is very important to being successful when marketing to them. When are they active? What are their favorite sites? What social media services do they use and what do they ignore? Who are your key advocates and who are the detractors? Who complains the most and what are they unhappy about? These are all core to knowing your audience.
Having a known brand is great but having a well-regarded brand is even better. How do you effectively market your brand without being overbearing? What if your brand suffers a setback, how do you recover? Launching a new product? Remember, you really can only launch once and how you do it can either help or hurt your brand. We will guide you down the path towards success using a cocktail of marketing, social media and content strategies.
Modern marketing has moved beyond shouting at the crowd. You now need to be in the crowd, talking with those around you. To have successful engagement, you must build relationships with your peers, your customers and your prospects. You audience will become your best advocate but this will not happen on its own. You must find, nurture and grow the relationships.